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Thursday, April 28, 2016

Just Go For It! Why You Should Make Your Ideas a Reality

If you have been following me for a while, you know firsthand how poorly I update my Twitter, YouTube, and Blogger accounts. Every now and then ideas pop into my head. They're not the greatest ideas. They're not very original either. But that isn't the point. Instead of keeping my ideas as ideas, I need to make my ideas become realities. Don't worry, I won't quote Shia LaBeouf. I did think about it though...

Instead, I'll insert one of my favorite video game quotes here:

If you're unfamiliar with this quote, it is from Viewtiful Joe, a short-lived series on the Nintendo GameCube. It was eventually ported to the PS2. I'm still holding my breath for Viewtiful Joe 3, but I digress.

The reason I am writing this post is because of an article and video I recently read and watched on Kotaku titled Final Fantasy: The Kotaku Retrospective. In this article, Jason Schreier talks about his opinions regarding Final Fantasy on the NES. What are his intentions? Here's a quote to give you an idea:
To prepare for FFXV, I’m starting a new project here at Kotaku. For the next five months, I’ll be digging into every mainline Final Fantasy game, in order, and taking a look at how the series has evolved over the past 30 years. Why has Final Fantasy resonated with so many people? What makes it so special? What exactly does it mean for a game to feel like a Final Fantasy?
To say my idea was as well fleshed out as his would essentially be a lie. I was really impressed with what he came up with. My plan was to play each Final Fantasy game, write about them, maybe make a video and go from there. What I would write and say would be spontaneous until I figured out a system to stick with. Anyway, the point of all this made me realize that very thing I said earlier: Just go for it! Who cares if it doesn't come together quite as planned? Who cares if no one sees this post or later posts? Who cares if no one watches my videos?

Do I hope people read this? Yes. Do I hope people watch my YouTube videos? Yes. Do I hope people follow me on Twitter? Yes. But those hopes shouldn't prevent me from realizing my ideas. Thank you Kotaku and Jason Schreier. You guys helped me recognize that I should follow through my ideas. I loved what Jason did with his article and video. I learned a lot from it and I enjoyed reading and hearing about his experience with the original Final Fantasy. My brother and I had talked for some time about going through all the mainline Final Fantasy games for years now. I've tried several times throughout the years, but for one reason or another I lost motivation, I lacked the desire to do so. With Final Fantasy XV's imminent release, that fire has been rekindled. I need to stop worrying and start doing and then be consistent. Not too long ago I tried doing a playlist called Final Fantasy Fridays. Long story short, I never recorded the one Final Fantasy Fridays video I did on a Friday, let alone upload it on a Friday...

That being said, here's an example of me starting something and not being consistent. Consistency is key. Will it be rough at first? Yes. Should that stop me? No. Final Fantasy Fridays was a lame idea. I'll come up with something else, but much like Jason, I'd like to share my experiences with each numerical Final Fantasy game leading up to Final Fantasy XV. Hopefully I can keep things interesting and fresh as I do so. If you're facing a similar situation, let's do this together. Thanks for reading!